Community Management Blog

Blog Entries - HOA Community

Planning Your Community Block Party

Planning Your Community Block Party

Are you looking to bring your homeowner's association (HOA) community together and create lasting memories?  

Hosting a block party for your HOA is a wonderful way to foster a sense of community and build relationships among your residents.  

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A view of a person typing on a laptop. The text reads, "The Role of Technology in Community Management"

The Role of Technology in Community Management

In today's world, technology is king. It shapes everything we do from personal interactions, and business dealings, to domestic tasks like grocery shopping. It is only natural that technology is shaping the way modern HOAs handle community association management.  

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A man on a ladder up against a house, installing siding. The text reads "Getting Approval for Home Renovations in an HOA Community"

Getting Approval for Home Renovations in an HOA Community

August 7, 2023  |  HOA Community, Renovations, Tips and Tools

Every homeowner wants to renovate their property or house in some way. Whether the goal of the renovation is to make their home more attractive when it comes time to sell, or to make improvements for their own personal use, for homes that exist in HOAs, some renovations are against community rules. 

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A person recycling a water bottle

Implementing Green Initiatives in your HOA

Implementing green or environmentally friendly initiatives is one of the best things you can do to set your HOA up for long-term success. 


However, many HOA boards wonder what the best and most cost-effective environmentally friendly measures are. 

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Two hands holding a smartphone and a credit card

What Are HOA Fees And What Do They Cover?

February 6, 2023  |  HOA Community, HOA fees, HOA Tips

If you want a safe, fair, and friendly community, it doesn’t come much better than living in an HOA you can count on. Since the service they provide is valuable, HOAs do come with some fees that help cover the expenses of community maintenance and improvement.

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