Community Management Blog

Blog Entries - HOA Tips

Why Your HOA Community Should Have a Neighborhood Watch Program

Why Your HOA Community Should Have a Neighborhood Watch Program

In today's world, where busy schedules and digital distractions often disconnect us from our surroundings, fostering a sense of community and security can be challenging. This disconnection can sometimes lead to an increased risk of crime and a decreased sense of safety. This is where a neighborhood watch program can make a significant difference.  

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How to Organize a Community Cleanup Day

How to Organize a Community Cleanup Day

Have you ever noticed how a tidy and organized community can make everyone feel happier and more connected? If you are looking for a way to bring your community together and make a positive impact, organizing a community cleanup day is a perfect solution. 

A community cleanup day is an event that brings people together to clean up litter, remove graffiti, and improve the overall environment of a community. 

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Yard Work in an HOA: What Do I Need Approval for?

Yard Work in an HOA: What Do I Need Approval for?

Living in a neighborhood with an HOA can have its benefits, such as maintaining property values and preserving the overall aesthetic appeal of your community. 

However, it also means adhering to certain rules and regulations. When it comes to yard work in your HOA, do you know what you need approval for?  

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How to Fill a Vacancy on Your HOA Board

How to Fill a Vacancy on Your HOA Board

If you are a member of your Homeowners Association (HOA), you understand the key role that the board plays in governing the community. However, there may come a time when a board member needs to step down, leaving a vacancy that needs to be filled. 

In this blog post, we will discuss the process of filling a vacancy on your HOA board. We will provide tips on finding qualified candidates for the vacant position and explain the rules and regulations that govern the process of filling a vacancy.

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How to Encourage Resident Participation at HOA Meetings

How to Encourage Resident Participation at HOA Meetings

February 19, 2024  |  HOA Meeting, HOA Tips, Resident Participation

We understand that it can be difficult to get your homeowners to attend HOA meetings. This is very common, and you are not alone in this frustration. 

In this blog, we will walk you through five factors that may decrease community engagement in HOA meetings and how you can change the narrative to make your community members want to participate and attend meetings.  

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A person using a leaf blower outside. The text reads, "Why a Dedicated Maintenance Division is Crucial for Community Associations"

Why a Dedicated Maintenance Division is Crucial for Community Associations

Your Homeowners' Association (HOA) maintenance standards are meant to guarantee that residents within your community have a high-quality environment to live and work in. By ensuring that your community has a dedicated maintenance division you will be guaranteeing that your community has balance and organization to provide constant stability.

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